Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Adding new button with existing operation to the MPOS layout in Retail headquarters - Dynamics 365 Retail

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to show how we can add new button in the MPOS screen from AX and publish to MPOS in Dynamics 365 Retail

Please follow below steps to achieve the same and if you have any questions then feel free to post/comment.
  1. Go to Retail > Channel setup > POS setup > POS > Screen layouts
  2. Filter for 'F3CSH'. screen layout Id as its the screen which is assigned to my MPOS user/Register/Store
  3. Then select the screen size and then bottom grid select button grid "Welcome Screen 1" as I would like to add my new button in home screen.
  4. Select the Designer button, and then follow the instructions to install the designer. I you're prompted for credentials, enter the Retail user name and password.
  5. Right-click in the designer area, and then select Add new button.
  6. Right-click the new button, and then select Button properties as shown below., if you would like to add images then you can add as well for button.
  7. Set the Action property to Product search. Then select OK, and close the designer.
  8. Then button grid looks like below.
  9. To reflect the changes in POS we need to the 1090 job so for that Go to Retail and commerce > Retail IT > Distribution schedule.
  10. Select 1090, and then select Run now.

  11. Once job applied then verify the changes by logging in MPOS, here we can the button we added "Product search" then click on it to go to product search page.
  12. Here we can see Product search window, similar fashion we add our custom operations as well but we need to write business logic in Retail SDK to perform some operation when we click on it.
Tags:- D365, DFO 365 , Retail , MPOS , Cloud POS , CPOS, POS
